
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How to detail missile pod from Balden arms

Hello guys! Since I started modification and customization using Balden Arms, I kinda notice the Missile pod that was included in the pack. Initial reaction it was lame with out the front cover. 

Then it hit me like a raging truck. why not make physical missile heads into those holes to it would look more awesome. It got me thinking how to do this.

Then one day, I realized that the runners (from any kit) mostly have the same diameter as the wholes inside the missile pods. What's better is that runners (i have a stock pile of it) come in different colors.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to create color plastic plates

Hello there Gunpla fans!! This entry is quite a short one but is equally interesting. I'll teach you to produce colored plastic plates from plastic bottles you see everyday.

I came across this bottle of "mountain dew" with a neon green plastic bottle. Instantly got an idea to use that and even a greater idea when I saw that the middle section of the bottle is cylindrically flat not like other plastic bottles. Tested it out and worked perfectly.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How to make tighter RG shoulders

Hello gunpla fans!!! Here I am with another quick fix to a small problem most RG owners encounter. Some RG kits have a problem holding its own weaponry due to some weight issue. In this case, RG Destiny and relatively other RG kits having the same inner frames as RG Destiny.

Specially with the RG Destiny, he usually can't hold the Arondight anti ship sword properly due the weight of the sword. Studying the problem, I found out that the problem occurs in the shoulder joint of the inner frame. With the large sword's weight, it can no longer support compared to the beam rifle and other small weapons.

So here's what we will do...

Friday, June 17, 2016

How to make RG base connectors fit any base

Hey guys, here I am again with another quick yet essential fix to a common problem we all might encounter.

Today will handle the RG connectors included in each RG kit. What's with it you ask? well, Bandai designed them, specially the early ones, to be use with Bandai's Action Base 2. The connectors were designed to fit the square peg of the base.

Bandai then figured out that this is kinda troublesome and starting RG 14 Strike Freedom, they redesigned the connector to have another hole that will fit the cylindrical peg most bases have.

Friday, December 11, 2015

How to sharpen your rusted hobby knives

Hello Gunpla fans!!! I was supposed to be back working on a Gunpla project when I noticed that another blade i'm using have gone bad and blunt. I don't intend to make another entry but this problem has to be documented.

I bet this time you have encountered this problem and the only solution you turned to was to buy replacements and throw the old, rusted, and blunted blades.

Well, I thought of it as such a waste just throwing and throwing blades when you can have them sharpen as new. The good news here is that, you don't need to go to a blacksmith or blade shops to have the sharpen. You can do it yourself! Also, you can do this in minutes!! Even greater!!!!

What you need: