
Monday, January 27, 2014

How to give articulated shoulder to old HG kits

Hi there! its been a long time since I last posted a tutorial. I kinda have been busy lately though, but anyways here is the new stuff.

I have been building kits for a long time now and I see that the new ones are getting more and more serious in terms of articulation. I feel that Bandai is somehow translating RG articulation to its HG line.

And knowing all this, I felt kinda jealous for my HG 105 Dagger X since this kit was based on HG slaughter dagger. The base kit has limited articulation such that it only rotates at the shoulder.. that's it.

Now to start with the tutorial..

here's what you need..

Super Glue (I think you can use plastic cement, I'm just cool with glue)
ROUND needle file (for quick sanding purposes)
FLAT file (for quick sanding purposes)
Side Cutter (trusted nippers)
X-acto Blades (any blade would do)
PlaPlates (very essentials)

DISCLAIMER: Before starting with this, I want you guys to understand that the kit we are about to modify, was already been modified before. Don't expect much to see the same thing as of the original or snap built kit. I just want you guys to see how it is done.

STEP 1: Disassemble arm and shoulder.

STEP 2: Get ball joint pieces. ( I got mine form HG AGE-2 normal, this is the ball joint for the heels/feet) Then snip away the excess plastic that is not needed.  see image.

STEP 3: Polycaps! These are highly suggested since they make joints kinda tight even after multiple movements. I got this form my spare stash, I'm also not sure want specific number is this on a runner,  just refer to the image and hopefully you also have one. :D

This is how it should connect.

And this should how everything connects.

Layout with the main body.

STEP 4: Disassemble the main body only. Open it up. 

Looking at the previous picture, we can place the polycaps at the open spaces right beside each peg.  so....

STEP 5: Snip away the pegs to create a decent hole for the polycap.

Continue further until you have an open space that would fit the polycap. Create a hole so the polycap would show its open mouth.

TEST FIT: Polycaps.

TEST FIT: Polycaps with main body closed.

It looks perfect! It almost looks like the shoulder joints of the new HG's. The modifications is heading at a good direction. Let's proceed.

STEP 6: Cut a strip of 1.0mm PlaPlate.

Sand it down to fit the space right next to the polycap. This would support the polycap not to move about while moving the joint  for a pose.

If everything fits OK, then...

STEP 7: Super Glue it!!! Super Glue the polycap and PlaPlate into their places.

TEST FIT: Main body closed.

Looks fair enough.

TEST FIT : Joints and arms.

Clearly, the Shoulder and arms now go "forwards and backwards" 

Looking even better. We're half way through.

Now to fit the new joints to the shoulder armor.

STEP 8: Using a ROUND needle file, make the joint hole bigger to fit the ball joint as so.

TEST FIT: Ball joint to shoulder armor.


STEP 9: Super Glue the ball joint to the shoulder. Just like with the new HG's, the 
ball joint is directly connected to the shoulder armor.

Reassemble everything.

TEST FIT : The whole arm with main body.

Just like the previous test fit, the shoulder now goes "forwards and backwards"

Testing the newly acquired articulation.

As you can clearly see that the shoulders gain  an extended reach in articulation, A new and wider range of motion can now be achieved.

and that's it! We're done!!

ACTION POSES: (with hi custom bazooka) 

Borrowing  the FG Schwert Gewehr. See how both hands can now reach the same handle with ease.


See how the uplifted shoulders give you a much better feel of the motion going on.

OTHER POSES: Without the dual shield.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The Upgrade was successful. Even in a standing stance, the uplifted shoulder shows a hunkier pose. With this upgrade, I may say that the old HG kit have the same range of articulation for the shoulders with the new ones. 

This may help you guys convert you favorite old HG's and match it up with the new ones coming. 

Any questions or other issues you'd like me to address, you may message me thru:


So that's it for this quick fix. Until then... See ya!!!!

1 comment:

  1. so umm how did you mod the should armor
    i want to know for my exia custom
